JP CrossFit – WOD Jackie (Time) For time: 1,000-meter row 50 thrusters 30 pull-ups Men: 45 lb. Women: 35 lb.Note: this is an old metcon where we used to delineate rx weights with the binary. Please pick a weight that best reflects your athletic abilities i.e. thrusters in 2-3 sets. 11 min soft cap! 13...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Back Squat (5×3 pause squats) Hold a 3 second pause at the bottom. @ a moderate weight meaning reps 1 and 2 feel fine but rep 3 feels challenging. These should be lighter than a regular 5×3. Metcon (No Measure) Choose your finisher! If you’re feeling extra sprightly today, choose 2!...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (No Measure) 6 Min to find one or all of the following A) Max unbroken single unders in one min B) Max double unders in one min C) Max unbroken double unders in one min max : Max Unbroken Single Unders in One Min (AMRAP – Reps) Max Double Unders...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (Weight) Find a heavy complex of: 1 Hang power clean 1 Power clean Metcon (Time) For Time 3 rounds of 10 power cleans* 12 bar over burpees –3 min rest– 3 rounds of 10 hang power cleans* 12 burpees 14 min cap! *Rx:95/65 Rx+: 135/95Read More
JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Snatch complex (5x(1+1)) Pause Snatch (below knee) + Snatch, 77-82% Clean complex (5x(2+1)) 2 Clean from blocks (below knee) + 1 Jerk, 77-82% Paused Front Squat (4×2) Pause for three seconds in the hole, 77-82% Accessories 4×8 Supersets: Ring Dips Single Leg Romanian DeadliftsRead More
JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (Time) For time 5 rounds: 200m run 3 squat cleans* 13 min cap!! *Rx: 185/125 Rx+: 225/155 Suns out Squirrels Out Successories (No Measure) 3 rounds not for time: 20 bus drivers 20 frontal raises 20 lateral raisesBus drivers use light weight 10lb or 5lb plates. Frontal + lateral go...Read More