JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (No Measure) AMRAP 5 6 weighted squats 5 up downs Metcon (No Measure) Back squat 6 reps @60-65 or moderate 5 reps @65-73% or moderate 3 reps @ 75-83% or heavy 2 reps @ 83%-87% or heavy AMRAP reps @87-93% or heavyShoot for 1-3 reps on that AMRAP. If you...Read More
JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) With a partner split as needed 25 Minute AMRAP 40 Lunges 40 Shoulder to Overhead 40 Twists Run 300m TogetherRead More
JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Hang Snatch (4×3) 4×3, 75-80%, either from the hang above the knee or from blocks above the knee. Clean complex (4x(2+1)) 4x(2+1), 75-80%. Clean from hang above the knee + Jerk (or blocks from above the knee). Back Squat (4×3) 4×3, 80-85% Accessories Single Leg Box Jump: 5×5/leg 3 Rounds:...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Announcements JPCF is participating int the TYPE 1 Takedown fundraiser on November 5th. Type 1 takedown benefits a 501c3 foundation named Diabetes Wills way. Diabetes Will’s Way is a nonprofit that serves young people across the entire United States. Will’s Way has issued grants in nearly every state, serving families who...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Snatch (Moderately Heavy Singles) Aim for consistency. While we are recording a single, complete 3 reps before going up in weight. Metcon (8 Rounds for reps) 4 Rounds 30s Max Cal Row 30s Rest 30s Max Double DB Hang Clean 30s Rest Rx 35/20 Rx+ 50/35dem biceps Score Cals rowed and...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Power Clean (Find a heavy touch and go triple; no dropping) Elizabeth (Time) 21-15-9 Clean, 135# / 95# Ring Dips12 minute capRead More
JP CrossFit – WOD Announcements JPCF is participating int the TYPE 1 Takedown fundraiser on November 5th. Type 1 takedown benefits a 501c3 foundation named Diabetes Wills way. Diabetes Will’s Way is a nonprofit that serves young people across the entire United States. Will’s Way has issued grants in nearly every state, serving families who...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Remember Ludlow (Time) On April 20, 1914 the US Army opened fire on the homes of striking workers and their families from machine gun emplacements, that had been dug into place during negotiations to end the strike. Twenty people were killed, including twelve children. To learn more, visit 4 Rounds...Read More
JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Snatch (3×1) 90% of your 1RM Clean and Jerk (3×1) 90% of your 1RM Front Squat (4×2) 85-90% of your estimated max Accessories 3×10 Box jump w/straight legged landingRead More