JP CrossFit – WOD Back Squat (1×1) Recommended warm-up Back squat 10-8-5-3-1-1-1-1-1 Karen (Time) For Time: 150 Wall-Ball Shots, 20# / 14# Partner Karen (Time) With a partner, for time: 150 wall balls Rx = 20/14, 10’/9′
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JP CrossFit – WOD Weighted Pull-ups (1×1) Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 12 10 dumbbell clean and jerks* 10 toes to bar 10 burpee over dumbbells* 10 pull ups *Rx: 50/35 **Rx+: 70/50, chest to bar pull ups
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JP CrossFit – WOD Hang Snatch (1×1) Metcon (4 Rounds for reps) EMOM 12 (4 rounds) min 1: 14/12 cal row min 2: AMRAP squat snatch min 3: rest *Rx 75/55 **Rx+: 95/65
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 24 Partner 1: 500m Row Partners 2 and 3, I-go-you-go AMRAP 10 rounds of Crash and Burn I* 30 KB swings –2min rest between transitions– *1 Crash and Burn Round 1 Jump squat 2 jump lungesAfter Partner 1 finishes rowing, everyone rests for 2 min. Partner 1 then jumps into the AMRAP, Partner 2 moves onto the rower while partner 3 stays,. Thereafter, Partner 2 goes back to the AMRAP with Partner 1 while Partner 3 is now the rower. Metcon At Home Option: Metcon (No Measure) EMOM 19 Min 1-4: 8 overhead squats* 5 burpees Min 5: rest Min 6-9: 8 squat cleans 5 burpees Min 10 rest Min 11-14 8 shoulder to overhead 5 burpees Min 15: rest Min 16- 19 8 thrusters 5 burpees *Barbell= 95/65The way you read this workout: Min 1, 2, 3, and...
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 24 Partner 1: 500m Row Partners 2 and 3, I-go-you-go AMRAP 10 rounds of Crash and Burn I* 30 KB swings –2min rest between transitions– *1 Crash and Burn Round 1 Jump squat 2 jump lungesAfter Partner 1 finishes rowing, everyone rests for 2 min. Partner 1 then jumps into the AMRAP, Partner 2 moves onto the rower while partner 3 stays,. Thereafter, Partner 2 goes back to the AMRAP with Partner 1 while Partner 3 is now the rower. Metcon (No Measure) At Home Options: Pick two of the following Crash and burns. Yes, you can PR these if you have a previous history. Crash and Burn 1 is not an option for At-home. Crash and Burn II (Time) For time: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Unbroken push ups 10 minute time cap! Crash and Burn III (Time) For time: 30 burpees...
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