JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting You’ve put in the work for seven weeks – time to reap the rewards! Weightlifting Snatch (1RM) Three attempst to find a 1RM. I recommend taking your first lift at 94%, your second at 97%, and your third at 101 or 102%. Resist the urge to keep snatching after your third lift, especially if you’re missing lifts. Repeatedly missing at heavy weights doesn’t develop strength OR technique, it just tires you out and undermines your confidence. Clean and Jerk (1RM) Three attempst to find a 1RM. I recommend taking your first lift at 94%, your second at 97%, and your third at 101 or 102%. Olympic Lifting Total (Total Weight) Snatch (1 Rep Max)Clean and Jerk (1 Rep Max)Snatch (1 Rep Max) Clean and Jerk (1 Rep Max)
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