JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (Time) With a partner I go-you go 1000m row 100 wall balls 100 situps 100 air squats 100 push ups 100 lunges 100 kb swings 32 min time cap!!!!Read More
JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (5 Rounds for time) Summer Track Workout! E3MOM for 5 rounds Max effort 300m run Non running version : E3MOM for 5 rounds 14 squat jumps 13 updowns 12 jumping lungesScale run distance to take 1:30 or less. Aim to have at least a minute of rest between rounds. Bring...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Announcements “Facts about the Greenland Shark: -The average lifespand is 250-500 years of age mostly due to their slow metabolism -they reside in arctic and subarctic waters (the only shark known to do so) -their meat and skin is toxic to humans -most of them are blind and they don’t attack...Read More
JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Weightlifting Snatch (4×2) 77-82% of your max snatch. Focus on perfect bar path, especially past the knee. Clean complex (5x(2+1)) 2 Pause Cleans (at shin) +1 Jerk Use the pause to make sure your weight is balanced over your midfoot and your lats are active Paused Front Squat (4×3) 77-82%...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (3 Rounds for reps) 4:00on/4:00 off for Three rounds 27/21 Calorie Row 15 front squats* AMRAP bar over burpee *Rx: 105/75 Rx+: 135/95In order to get everything I want you to get from this WOD, you NEED go hard for each 4:00 of work. You’re getting a 1:1 work/rest ratio...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Clean and Jerk (Find a heavy single) Indicate whether you power cleaned or squat cleaned, and whether you power jerked or split jerked Metcon (Weight) EMOM 7 1 High Hang squat clean 1 Squat clean 2 JerksWe’re focusing on dialing in that form!Read More
Our second gymnastic seminar is just around the corner, on August 13th! In our first session we covered how to drive with our hips to help our arms complete a kipping pullup. For our second session we will be focusing on developing that hip drive to be more effective for our kipping pullups, and advancing...Read More
JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Weightlifting Snatch (5×3) Pause for 3s below the knee. 72-77% Clean complex (5x(1+1+1)) Clean Lift-Off + Clean + Jerk, 72-77% Back Squat (3×5) 5 second eccentric phase – put on a metronome if you need it! 77-82% Afterbash 3 supersets of 10 reps: Cossack Squat (w/DB or KB) Good Mornings...Read More