Community – Sun, Dec 11

JP CrossFit – Community

Allie & Marcs Last Community 🙁 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

With a a partner and a 20 minclock

Cash in: 1000m row

with time remaining AMRAP

20 Partner wall balls

20 Partner medball Situps

20partner high five push ups

20 side-by-side russian twists
Split the row however which way, i-go-you-go. For the partner wall ball, you can decide if you would like to rest while your partnersquats with the wall ball, or squat with your partner when you don’t have the wall ball for more work. Same with push ups, you can take turn doing the push ups and clap at the top, or simultaneously do push ups and clap at the top. Either way there’s a cyuuuuuute clap. And Same with situps.Have so much fun!


