JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) Deadlift and Pullup Superset: 5 Rounds, not for time- 30 minute cap 5 Deadlifts AMRAP Strict Pullups in one set RestRest as needed after pullups, with no rest between DL and pullups Double overhand standard grip only No mixed grip, no hook grip, no touch and...Read More
JP CrossFit – Community Announcements Jazzie Collins was a black transwoman who did incredible work at the intersections of race, transgender rights, disability rights, tenant rights, labor rights, and income inequality. Similarly to Marsha Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, her activism is an important reminder that while Pride is a glorious time, its representation often still...Read More
JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Weightlifting Split Jerk (2RM) from a rack Power Clean (2RM) Catch it high, focusing on vertical extension. Push Press (1×3) find a heavy triple Afterbash Shoulder Press (5×6) Press-in-splitRead More
JP CrossFit – Community Announcements Edythe Eyde, a.k.a. Lisa Ben, moved to Los Angeles in 1945 and by 1947 was working as a secretary at RKO Pictures where she used her office typewriter as a printing press to anonymously publish her landmark “magazine” for lesbians, “Vice Versa.” Ben’s magazine was passed in secrecy from one...Read More
JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Warm-up Complex: Hip Clean + Hang Clean Focus on keeping the heels down right up until the explosion, and exploding vertically through the whole foot. Weightlifting Clean (2RM) Stop as soon as your technique begins to break down. No more than two misses (but zero misses is also fine). Clean...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Weightlifting Squat Clean (Find a heavy triple, drop from the top) 75-85% of your max Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 9: 7 toes to bar 3 squat cleans* *Rx: 155/105 Rx+: 205/140Read More