JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (No Measure) When we work out, we’re often balancing testing and training. DT is meant to be a test. If you haven’t been training for very long with us, or haven’t been in much recently, we are going to want you to consider doing DT Lite, and work on chaining...Read More
Gymnastic Pulling Seminars! For the next 5 months, we will be holding classes dedicated to Gymnastic Pulling on the second Saturday of each month from 12:30-1:30 (starting July 9th) in place of Open Gym We’re starting with the basics- How to get a Kipping Pullup, and progressing towards more advanced movements each month. Our hope...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Toe The Line (5 Rounds for reps) 5 rounds: 3:00 on, 1:00 off 500m row/400m run AMRAP toes to barPick one version and stick to it. Scale row/run to take 2:00. Goal is to stay within 1-2 reps rep of your highest round. Can you go out hot and truly stay...Read More
JP CrossFit – Community Juneteenth II (Time) Solo: For time: Buy-in: 65 second moment of silence 6 rounds: 400m run 19 dumbbell squats 18 burpees 65 lateral hops *Rx = 50/35 Partner Version: For time: Buy-in: 65 second moment of silence 6 rounds: 400m run together A: 10 dumbbell squats B: 9 dumbbell squats A:...Read More
JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting This is a deload week! Please treat it like one! Weightlifting Power Snatch (4×2) 75-80% of your power snatch Power Clean (4×2) Part 1 of a complex: Power Clean + Power Jerk, 75-80% of your max power clean/jerk, whichever is lower. Push Jerk (4×2) Part 2 of a complex: Power...Read More
JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Warm-up Athlete’s Choice! Choose a couple drills that you need (to dial in your technique) and one that you love (to boost your confidence) Weightlifting Snatch (1RM) Part 1 of a complex: Snatch + OHS. Overhead Squat (1RM) Part 2 of a complex: Snatch + OHS. Clean and Jerk (1RM)...Read More