Announcements August fitness challenge: MOBILITY! Accumulate 280 minutes of Mobility work. JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon Cindy Full of Grace (Time) 3 cycles, for time: 3 rounds of Cindy 10 clean and jerks* *Rx = 135/95 Cindy: 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 air squats17 min cap!Read More
Announcements August fitness challenge: MOBILITY! Accumulate 280 minutes of Mobility work. Accumulate 10 minutes of Mobility per day If you miss, you can make up that time elsewhere. However, we do not recommend doing an hour of stretching once a week and would rather you do a little stretching every day. Mobility can consist of...Read More
Announcements August fitness challenge: MOBILITY! Accumulate 280 minutes of Mobility work. Accumulate 10 minutes of Mobility per day If you miss, you can make up that time elsewhere. However, we do not recommend doing an hour of stretching once a week and would rather you do a little stretching every day. Mobility can consist of...Read More
Announcements August fitness challenge: MOBILITY! Accumulate 280 minutes of Mobility work. JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Snatch (8×1 @85-95%) Take your first working set at 85% and increase weight by feel. Clean complex (4x(1+1+1) @60%) Pause Power Clean (below knee) + Pause Jerk + Jerk Clean Pull (9×1 @120%) stay flat footed Back Squat (4×3...Read More
Announcements August fitness challenge: MOBILITY! Accumulate 280 minutes of Mobility work. Accumulate 10 minutes of Mobility per day If you miss, you can make up that time elsewhere. However, we do not recommend doing an hour of stretching once a week and would rather you do a little stretching every day. Mobility can consist of...Read More
Announcements August fitness challenge: MOBILITY! Accumulate 280 minutes of Mobility work. Accumulate 10 minutes of Mobility per day If you miss, you can make up that time elsewhere. However, we do not recommend doing an hour of stretching once a week and would rather you do a little stretching every day. Mobility can consist of...Read More
Announcements August fitness challenge: MOBILITY! Accumulate 280 minutes of Mobility work. Accumulate 10 minutes of Mobility per day If you miss, you can make up that time elsewhere. However, we do not recommend doing an hour of stretching once a week and would rather you do a little stretching every day. Mobility can consist of...Read More
Announcements August fitness challenge: MOBILITY! Accumulate 280 minutes of Mobility work. Accumulate 10 minutes of Mobility per day If you miss, you can make up that time elsewhere. However, we do not recommend doing an hour of stretching once a week and would rather you do a little stretching every day. Mobility can consist of...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (3 Rounds for reps) In a 6 min window: 800m run 15 front squats* Max bar muscle ups in remaining time -rest 2 min- In a 4 min window: 400m run 12 front squats* Max BMU in remaining time -rest 2 min- In a 3 min window: 200m run 9...Read More