
JP CrossFit – WOD Musclebob Buffpants Vol 2 Mini (Weight) Every 30 sec for 10 min: 1 squat OR power snatch 135/95/75/65choose power or squat! then…15 min to build to heavy power or squat snatch Power Snatch (1×1) Squat Snatch (1×1)
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JP CrossFit – WOD Musclebob Buffpants Vol 2 Mini (Weight) Every 30 sec for 10 min: 1 squat OR power snatch 135/95/75/65choose power or squat! then…15 min to build to heavy power or squat snatch Power Snatch (1×1) Squat Snatch (1×1)
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JP CrossFit – WOD Musclebob Buffpants Vol 2 Mini (Weight) Every 30 sec for 10 min: 1 squat OR power snatch 135/95/75/65choose power or squat! then…15 min to build to heavy power or squat snatch Power Snatch (1×1) Squat Snatch (1×1)
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JP CrossFit – WOD Musclebob Buffpants Vol 2 Mini (Weight) Every 30 sec for 10 min: 1 squat OR power snatch 135/95/75/65choose power or squat! then…15 min to build to heavy power or squat snatch Power Snatch (1×1) Squat Snatch (1×1)
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JP CrossFit – WOD Musclebob Buffpants Vol 2 Mini (Weight) Every 30 sec for 10 min: 1 squat OR power snatch 135/95/75/65choose power or squat! then…15 min to build to heavy power or squat snatch Power Snatch (1×1) Squat Snatch (1×1)
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JP CrossFit – WOD Musclebob Buffpants Vol 2 Mini (Weight) Every 30 sec for 10 min: 1 squat OR power snatch 135/95/75/65choose power or squat! then…15 min to build to heavy power or squat snatch Power Snatch (1×1) Squat Snatch (1×1)
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) EMOM 20 1: max effort hard pull* 2: rest 3: max effort line facing burpee 4: rest *Ring Muscle Up, Bar Muscle Up, Chest to bar, etc…If you are proficient at your pulling movement your first minute will be a max effort UNBROKEN effort.
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) EMOM 20 1: max effort hard pull* 2: rest 3: max effort line facing burpee 4: rest *Ring Muscle Up, Bar Muscle Up, Chest to bar, etc…If you are proficient at your pulling movement your first minute will be a max effort UNBROKEN effort.
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) EMOM 20 1: max effort hard pull* 2: rest 3: max effort line facing burpee 4: rest *Ring Muscle Up, Bar Muscle Up, Chest to bar, etc…If you are proficient at your pulling movement your first minute will be a max effort UNBROKEN effort.
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) EMOM 20 1: max effort hard pull* 2: rest 3: max effort line facing burpee 4: rest *Ring Muscle Up, Bar Muscle Up, Chest to bar, etc…If you are proficient at your pulling movement your first minute will be a max effort UNBROKEN effort.
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