JP CrossFit – WOD Announcements Warm-up (No Measure) Our Thursday Night Throwdowns are set! Week 1: Juan vs Amaris Week 2: Marcy vs Neil Week 3: Cristey vs Ashley vs Jasmine vs Allie M I swear I didn’t set out to have it be a bunch of couples duking it out but it just happened that way and I’m here for it. Register here: https://games.crossfit.com/ Weightlifting Back Squat (Find a moderate to heavy 3×5!) Metcon (Time) For time: 21-21-15-15-9-9 Air squats Sit ups Up downs 12 minute cap!
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JP CrossFit – WOD Announcements Warm-up (No Measure) The Open starts next Thursday! Register here: https://games.crossfit.com/ We also need volunteers for Thursday Night Throwdowns! Find a friend/enemy you want to go head to head with and let us know the Thursday you want. In return you get photoshopped by Tim! UPDATE: All the dates are taken! Weightlifting Snatch Balance (Find a moderate 3!) As always with snatch balance, this is about how well you move the bar, not how much the bar weighs! Metcon (No Measure) EMOM 8: 4 snatchesThis is entirely to put into practice what you just learned doing the snatch balance. Do not exceed 65% of your 1RM power snatch. Metcon Metcon (No Measure) Tabata! Push ups Ring rows8 rounds per movement, 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off.
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JP CrossFit – Community Warm-up (No Measure) Black History Month Athlete Spotlight: CJ Cummings CJ is known for his use of the clean and SQUAT JERK (what!!?!?!). Cummings is a pan American champion and 4x Junior world Champion. Check out some of CJ’s lifts here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BWHTMmszhg Metcon Metcon (Time) With a partner: 5 rounds 200m row 4 rounds 400m row 3 rounds 600m row 2 rounds 800m row 1 round: 6 synchro box jumps* 6 synchro swings* 6 synchro goblet squats* *Rx = 24″/20″, 16kg/12kg Rx+ = 30″/24″, 24kg/16kg 26 min time cap!Partners split the row evenly, one rowing while the other rests. The rounds of work must be completed together.
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JP CrossFit – Community Warm-up (No Measure) Black History Month Athlete Spotlight: Jenny Arthur Jenny Arthur holds a silver medal from the IWF junior World championship. She went on to finish 6th at the 2016 Rio Olympic games and represented the USA at both the 2017 and 2018 IWF World Championships. Check out some of Jenny’s lifts here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WSsG5YAC8Y Metcon Metcon (Time) With a partner: 5 rounds 200m row 4 rounds 400m row 3 rounds 600m row 2 rounds 800m row 1 round: 6 synchro box jumps* 6 synchro swings* 6 synchro goblet squats* *Rx = 24″/20″, 16kg/12kg Rx+ = 30″/24″, 24kg/16kg 26 min time cap!Partners split the row evenly, one rowing while the other rests. The rounds of work must be completed together.
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JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Read this! https://www.catalystathletics.com/exercise/65/3-Position-Snatch/ Warm-up Two weeks ago, we practiced getting into the power position with the segemented clean deadlift. This week, we’ll start in the power position and work backwards by snatching first from the hip, then from the hang, then from the floor. Weightlifting Snatch (8×1) Take your first working set at 70% of your max Snatch and work up to 95%. These heavy singles are intended to be the last prep for next week’s 1RMs, but if you want to max out your snatch for pcup points, I won’t stop you. Unless you’re in House Holte. Afterbash Hang Power Clean (5×2) Technique Track: Five sets of doubles at 70% of your power clean. Focus on a nice vertical power position, keeping those elbows high and the bar close – a hang power clean is not a kettlebell swing. Front Squat (6×3) Strength Track:...
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