Announcements If you’d like to join our leaderboard for the Open, visit the link here: Forge | All-in-one competition management for ambitious events Once you register, you’ll get an email with a link to submit your score. We’ll add the workouts for the next two weeks as soon as they’re released! A few things to keep in mind: This is brand new for us! If you run into any issues, please reach out at [email protected]. We’ve created four divisions (Blue, Green, Red, Yellow) based on this week’s dumbbell weights. You can only pick one division to submit scores in. Going forward, we’ll adjust the upcoming workouts to match these divisions. Scores won’t show up immediately. We have to manually approve each submission before it appears on the leaderboard. There’s no way to turn this off (sorry!), but we’ll be checking regularly to keep things moving. We will be following the...
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Announcements If you’d like to join our leaderboard for the Open, visit the link here: Forge | All-in-one competition management for ambitious events Once you register, you’ll get an email with a link to submit your score. We’ll add the workouts for the next two weeks as soon as they’re released! A few things to keep in mind: This is brand new for us! If you run into any issues, please reach out at [email protected]. We’ve created four divisions (Blue, Green, Red, Yellow) based on this week’s dumbbell weights. You can only pick one division to submit scores in. Going forward, we’ll adjust the upcoming workouts to match these divisions. Scores won’t show up immediately. We have to manually approve each submission before it appears on the leaderboard. There’s no way to turn this off (sorry!), but we’ll be checking regularly to keep things moving. We will be following the...
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Announcements The sign up sheet for Friday Night Lights for 25.1 is now open! Please make sure to sign up for judging slots as well! JP CrossFit – WOD Deadlift (EMOM for 8 minutes 3 deadlifts @ 75% of 1RM ) Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) with a partner- alternating full rounds AMRAP 10 1 rope climb 6 burpees to target* *ideally target is 6″ above reach
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JP CrossFit – WOD Strength (Weight) Every 3 Min for 4 sets: 2 strict presses + 3 push jerksbuilding in weight! Metcon (4 Rounds for time) Every 4 min for 4 rounds: 25 wall balls (20/14) 20 ab mat situps 15 push jerks* -rest for the remaining time- *Rx: 155/105/95/65Your score is the time it takes you to complete the work in each round. Wodify will ask for 4 times, so no need to do math!
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Announcements We’ve cancelled the 6:30p class on Wednesday 2/26 to be able to hold our staff meeting. JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (Time) For Time: 1000m row 100 box step overs (20 inches) 100 Russian kettlebell swings* *Rx: 24/20/16/12kg 20 min cap! Finisher (No Measure) Partner Pump! 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Plate curl Plate tricep extension **partner holds plate overhead when not working**
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