JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (Time) For time, in teams of 2, i-go-you-go 2 mile run 100 db plank drags 100 lateral hops 100 russian twists 100 db clean and jerks 35 min cap!Partners can split up the run however they like or, if y’all are planning on doing murph, both partners should do all...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Grinder Cindy (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 20-Minute AMRAP of: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 SquatsRx+: Weight Vest 20/14 Note: this is Murph prep and you should be looking to use the scale you think. you might use for Murph. Consider using one scale down from your usual push up/pull...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Grinder Cindy (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 20-Minute AMRAP of: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 SquatsRx+: weight vest 20/14 Note: this is murph prep and you should be looking to use the scale you think. you might use for murph. Consider using one scale down from your usual push up/pull...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus lift, sprint Metcon (Weight) E3mom for 7 rounds 3 power cleans tough-n-goBuild in weight across sets. If you have a real heavy clean, plan to start your first set at around 60% Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) AMRAP 1 power cleans @ 75% of heaviest setpop the top and light the...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Lift, Sprint Part 1 (Weight) E3MOM for 7 rounds: 3 Power Cleans (touch and go) Build in weight across sets. If you have a real heavy clean, plan to start your first set at around 60%. Part 2 (AMRAP – Reps) AMRAP 1: Power cleans @ 75% of heaviest set...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Lift, Sprint Part 1 (Weight) E3MOM for 7 rounds: 3 Power Cleans (touch and go) Build in weight across sets. If you have a real heavy clean, plan to start your first set at around 60%. Part 2 (AMRAP – Reps) AMRAP 1: Power cleans @ 75% of heaviest set...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Pacer Metcon (6 Rounds for reps) EMOM 30 Min 1: 12/10 cal row Min 2: AMRAP db snatch Min 3: rest Min 4: 45 dubs MIn 5: AMRAP dips Min 6: rest Rx: 70/50/40/35 Rx: Assault bike, 60 dubs, Ring muscle upsShoot for heavier DB snatches today.Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Pacer Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) EMOM 30 Min 1: 12/10 Cal Row Min 2: AMRAP Dumbbell Snatch* Min 3: Rest Min 4: 45 Double Unders Min 5: AMRAP Dips Min 6: Rest *Rx: 70/50/40/35 Dumbbell Rx+: Assault Bike, 60 Double Unders, Ring Muscle-upsShoot for heavier Dumbbell Snatches today. Score...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Pacer Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) EMOM 30 Min 1: 12/10 Cal Row Min 2: AMRAP Dumbbell Snatch* Min 3: Rest Min 4: 45 Double Unders Min 5: AMRAP Dips Min 6: Rest Rx: 70/50/40/35 Dumbbell Rx+: Assault Bike, 60 Double Unders, Ring Muscle-upsShoot for heavier Dumbbell Snatches today. Score...Read More