JP CrossFit – Community Aerobic Capacity Week 3, Day 2 (6 Rounds for time) 2 full rounds of the following 1000m @moderate pace, 3 min rest 400m @ fast pace, 3 min rest 600m @ fast pace, 5 min rest Total 4000mRead More
JP CrossFit – WOD Brat Summer (Time) 1000m run or 1250m row 2 clean and jerks 800m run or 1000m row 4 clean and jerks 600m run or 800m row 6 clean and jerks 400m run or or 500m row 8 clean and jerks 200m run or 300m row 10 clean and jerks Rx: Rx:...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Brat Summer (Time) 1000m run or 1250m row 2 clean and jerks 800m run or 1000m row 4 clean and jerks 600m run or 800m row 6 clean and jerks 400m run or or 500m row 8 clean and jerks 200m run or 300m row 10 clean and jerks Rx: Rx:...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (Weight) E4MOM for 5 rounds 4 back squats 2 front squats Build to heaviest load. Front squat will be the limiter Successories (No Measure) 2 rounds of 10 barbell supinated bent over rows 10 barbell roll outs 3rd round drop 5-10lbs and then AMRAP bent over rows Amrap roll outs...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus threshold Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) 5 rounds of 2:00 on/1:00 off 32 double unders 8 power cleans Max hspu Rx: 135/105/95/75 Rx+: 64 double undersDubs should be something you can finish in 35 sec or less. Rx+ can’t mess up more than once. Cleans should be fast singles around...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Pacer Metcon (Time) For time 500/400m row 400m plate run 30 single-legged squats 20 v-ups 10 single db devils press 20 v-ups 30 single-legged squats 400m plate run 500/400m row *Rx: plates: 45/35/25 devils press: 50/35/25 25 min cap!!scale row to take 2 min, run to take about 3-4 min,...Read More
JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (Time) With a partner, for time 100 db clean and jerks 100 burpees 100 russian kettlebell swings –Starting at the 0, 4 burpees– 24 min cap!Both partners complete the 4 burpees together (scale to take 20 sec or less), and must go i-go-you-go on the workRead More