Announcements We’ve cancelled the 6:30p class on Wednesday 2/26 to be able to hold our staff meeting. JP CrossFit – WOD Handstand Practice (take 8 min to establish a max effort HS hold) Kick ups, supported hold, and wall walk!can be freestanding in a 4×4 box or on the wall Metcon (4 Rounds for reps) EMOM 16 1. 6 shuttle runs 2. 8 sandbag/DBall cleans 3. max distance handstand walk 4. restevery 5 ft handstand walk = 1 rep!
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Announcements We’ve cancelled the 6:30p class on Wednesday 2/26 to be able to hold our staff meeting. JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) 5 Rounds of 3 min on/3 min off 20/15 calorie row 15 box jump overs (24/20) AMRAP squat cleans in remaining time* *Rx: 185/155/125/105
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Announcements We’ve cancelled the 6:30p class on Wednesday 2/26 to be able to hold our staff meeting. JP CrossFit – WOD Weighted Pull-ups (build to a heavy 3 rep!) Metcon (Time) 7 Rounds for Time 2 wall walks Single arm dumbbell overhead walking lunge (25ft)* 10 pullups Single arm dumbbell overhead walking lunge (25ft)* *Rx: 50/40/35/25 14 min cap!
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) With a 20 min clock Cash in: Accumulate 4 min plank In the remaining time AMRAP 8 Dumbbell snatch 6 v-ups 4 burpees over dumbbells Rx+: GHD situps or toes to bar for v-upsAccumulate the 4 min plank. Plank on forearm or hands. Go heavy on those snatches since its only 8 reps at a time.
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) With a 20 min clock Cash in: Accumulate 4 min plank In the remaining time AMRAP 8 Dumbbell snatch 6 v-ups 4 burpees over dumbbells Rx+: GHD situps or toes to bar for v-upsAccumulate the 4 min plank. Plank on forearm or hands. Go heavy on those snatches since its only 8 reps at a time.
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