JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Weightlifting Snatch (1RM) Three attempts to find a one-rep max. Weightlifting Power Clean (6×1) Push Jerk (6×1) This is a complex: Slow Pull Power Clean + Power Jerk. “Slow pull” means half speed from the ground to mid-thigh, then full speed for the 2nd pull. Focus on perfect positioning. Do 6 singles at 83-88% of your Power Clean. Afterbash Back Squat (5×4) Six chin-ups between sets. Start at 83% and work up to 88% if it feels good. This is optional after-class strength work.
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (Time) For Time: 4 rounds 6 hang squat cleans* 6 pistols –2 min rest– 4 rounds 6 front squats* 6 pistols –2 min rest– 4 rounds 6 hang power cleans and jerks* 6 pistols *RX: 95/65 **RX+: 135/95 18min time cap!Each section should take about 4-5 min with the final section about 3-4 min. Sometimes it’s okay to not end on the hardest movement 🙂 Happy Friday!
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 25 100 ft handstand walk 20 weighted step ups 30 toes to bar 40 dumbbell snatches 50 box jumps *Rx: 50/35, 24″/20″1 rep = 10 feet. You must complete the handstand walks in no less than 5 ft increments. 1 wall walk = 1 rep.
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (No Measure) For time: 20 up downs 30 goblet squats 40 swings 4 min cap! Metcon (Weight) E90 sec for 5 Rounds 2 tempo front squats -5 second descent -3 second pause at bottom -5 second ascent -3 second pause at top –3 min rest– E90 sec for 5 rounds 5 front squatsStay lighter than you think or you will die. Shoot for 50-60% 1rm. No more than 60%!
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (Time) For time: 5 bar muscle ups 800m run 5 bar muscle ups 150 double unders 5 bar muscle ups 1000m row 5 bar muscle ups Time cap 16run should take 4-5 min. Dubs should take 3-4 min. Row should take 3-4.5 min.
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