JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Welcome back, Swole Patrol – I hope your Thanksgiving was full of warmth, laughter, and protein! Weightlifting Clean complex (7×1) Paused Clean Pull + Paused Clean + Jerk. Start at 80% and work up to 85% of your max clean. Front Squat (4RM) Take 12 minutes to find your 4-rep max. Front Squat (1×6) at 85% of your 4RM Afterbash This is optional strength work for after class Push Press (4RM) Focus on a vertical dip and drive – keep that chest up and your weight in your whole foot!
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (Time) For Time 1250/1000m row cash in 4 rounds of : 10 push ups 12 goblet squats 14 russian Kettlebell swings 1250/1000m row cash out 🙂 20 min time cap!! *RX: 16kg/12kg *RX+: 24kg/16kg, Plyo Push Ups 2x 25’s ()
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JP CrossFit – WOD Weightlifting Metcon (Weight) E90 sec for 7 rounds 1 push jerkBuild to a max push Jerk within the E90 seconds. Your score is the max weight you successfully lifted Push Jerk (1×1) Metcon (Weight) E90 for 7 rounds 1 split jerkBuild to a max split jerk within the E90 second for a heavy single. Your score is max weight you successfully lifted Split Jerk (1×1) Crash and Burn IV (Time) 15 rounds: 4 hollow body rocks 4 v-ups 6 minute time cap!
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (No Measure) EMOM 6: With a partner (I-go-you-go): Min 1: AMRAP dips Min 2: AMRAP strict pull ups* *Rx+: Strict chest to bar pull upsPartners alternate single reps. Metcon (Time) 3 rounds: 15 deadlifts* 12 bar over burpees 9 chest to bar pull ups *Rx: 135/95 Rx+: 225/155 10 min time cap!!
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (No Measure) EMOM 6 2 Squat and a Halfs1 rep= lower to the bottom of the squat, come back up to parallel, lower back down to bottom of squat, come back all the way up to the top of the squat. Feel free to build if you like but stay light. Back Squat (1×3) Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) AMRAP 6 Partner A: 4 lengths of farmers carry* Partner B: AMRAP double unders RX* 2x 50’s/35’sSwitch after partner A completes lengths
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