JP CrossFit – WOD High-Hang Snatch (Find a moderate 4×2) Last week we did a “hang” power snatch double. This week we do a “high-hang” power snatch. This will limit how much weight you can lift and that’s okay. Practice on HITTING the right position on your snatches. Should feel snappy. Metcon (Time) “Look Familiar :)” 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Pull up Burpee Power snatch* *Rx: 75/55 Rx+ 95/65 10 min cap!You might remember these exact movements last week, in this exact order, but as a heavy, longish AMRAP. This time around weight should be LIGHT and nearly unbroken and the WOD is for TIME. Jumping pull ups are a great sub today. What a great way to learn stimulus:) Excited for your fitness 🙂
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JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Watch these! https://youtu.be/_DmDjX10E7g https://youtu.be/BPnVGb5-k7o Warm-up Split Jerk (3×2) 3 sec pause in the bottom of the dip – focus on a vertical bar path and a full foot. Weightlifting Split Jerk (3×3) 72-82% of your max jerk Push Press (3×5) 67-77% of your push press. Drive the bar up and back, and rely on your legs more than your arms. Front Squat (3×5) 67-77% of your max front squat
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 5 5 box jump 7 russian swings * 1 burpee — add a burpee at the end of each round — *Rx: 24/20, 24kg/16kg Rx+: 32kg/24kg Deadlift (Find a heavy 4×5)
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) EMOM 15: Min 1: 12/10 cal row Min 2: 12 dumbbell snatches* AMRAP strict handstand push ups Min 3: rest *Rx = 50/35
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 18: 200m dumbbell Farmer Carry 20 dumbbell deadlifts* 10 pistols 20 dumbbell hang power cleans* 10 pistols 20 dumbbell hang squat cleans* *Rx: 50/35 Rx+: 70/50Start DB carry at the top of the stairwell. If you get out onto the carry, that’s 1 rep. If you get back before the time runs out, that’s 2!
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