JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Snatch (EMOM 15 + HS) One rep every minute for 15 min: 1-5: 73% 6-10: 78% 11-15: 83% Then do a heavy single without a clock. Snatch Grip Deadlift (2x(3+1) @85%) 3 segment snatch deadlifts + 1 snatch deadlift. Segment = pause off the ground, at the knee, and in...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Announcements Quick scheduling announcement! There will be no open gym this Saturday from 12:30-2:30pm and no 24/7 access from 2:30- 4:00pm. Sorry for the inconvenience folks! Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) AMRAP 14, With a partner Partner A: AMRAP cal row Partner B:2 rounds of 35 single unders 1 box get over*...Read More
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