JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Last heavy day before taper week! Weightlifting Clean and Jerk (1RM) Three attempts to find a 1RM. Muscle Snatch (6×2) Slow pull – from ground to mid-thigh should be at half speed. Focus on close bar path, high elbows, tight overhead. Don’t go heavier than 65% of your max snatch,...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon Metcon (No Measure) Deadlift: 8-6-4-2-2-2-2 After every set: 3 ring dips Deadlift Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) Teams of 2! AMRAP 10: P1: 250m row P2: AMRAP push upsPlayer 2 gets as many push ups as they can while Player 1 rows. Once P1 finishes their row, players switch. P1...Read More
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