JP CrossFit – WOD Announcements Warm-up (No Measure) Handstand workout has been rescheduled for this Saturday, 2/12 @ 11am. Powerlifting will meet at 1:00. We can no longer park against the building. Please park in the two lanes closest to the fence only. Metcon Metcon (Time) For time: 30-20-10 Wall balls* 40′ dumbbell bear crawl* *Rx = 20/14, 2×50/35 6 minute time cap! Weightlifting Front Squat (Find a single heavy!)
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 17 12 push ups* 14 situps* 16 Weighted lunge* 18 snatches 20 lateral hops *Rx+:Plyo push ups, weighted situps, overhead weighted lunges
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 17 12 push ups* 14 situps* 16 Weighted lunge* 18 snatches 20 lateral hops *Rx+:Plyo push ups, weighted situps, overhead weighted lunges
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 12 12 Deadlift* 9 v-ups 6 devils press* 3 ring muscle ups *Rx: 135/95, 50/35 **Rx+:185/125
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JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Never heard of it? I got you, fam: https://www.catalystathletics.com/exercise/408/Press-In-Split/ Warm-up Press-in-Split in sets of 5, no heavier than 50% of your jerk. Focus on having a super-stable split position, internal rotation in the shoulders, pinching your traps together, etc. Weightlifting Clean complex (4×1) Clean + Jerk + Front Squat + Jerk First working set is at 80% of your CJ, go up to 85% if it feels good. Afterbash Overhead Squat (5×1) Technique Track: start at 85% and work up to 90% of your overhead squat. If your OHS pr is very old, you can go for a 1RM, but the focus today is on technique/positioning – don’t sacrifice good form for pcup points. Romanian Deadlift (4×5) Strength Track: First working set at 100% of your clean, then work up to 115%
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