JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting It’s deload time! Weightlifting Snatch (5×2) 70% of your max snatch. Enjoy the lighter weight and focus on having perfect technique. Snatch Pull (3×3) Deficit pulls, standing on a plate. Load is 80% of your max snatch. Back Squat (4×5) 70% of your estimated max back squat. Afterbash Squat Jumps: three sets of four reps at 20% of your estimated max back squat
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Cash in: HYDRATE! 25 Minute AMRAP In teams of three Partner 1, AMRAP of: 5 Burpees 10 Step Ups Partner 2, AMRAP of: 5 Pushups 10 Wall Balls Partner 3 Run 200m Cash out: HYDRATE!When Partner 3 returns, they will switch with Partner 1, who will run, then switch with Partner 2 who will run. eg: Burpee/Stepup AMRAP, run, Pushup/WB AMRAP, run, etc. Score is rounds at Stations A and B combined
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Cash in: HYDRATE! 25 Minute AMRAP In teams of three Station A, AMRAP of: 5 Pushups 15 Tuck Jumps Station B, AMRAP of: 5 Burpees 15 Lunges Cash out: HYDRATE!Partner 1 starts at Station A Partner 2 starts at Station B Partner 3 runs from A to B, exchanging places Partner 2 runs from B to A, exchanging places etc. Score is rounds at Stations A and B combined
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JP CrossFit – WOD Gymnastics Metcon (No Measure) German Hang 10×1 for Quality Metcon (Time) 15 minutes Knees to Elbows
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JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Warm up drill this week is ATHLETE’S CHOICE – pick the drill you need most. Weightlifting Snatch (1RM) first half of a Sn + OHS complex Overhead Squat (1RM) second half of a Sn + OHS complex Clean and Jerk (2+1 or 1+2) Find a max with either 2 cleans + 1 jerk or 1 clean + 2 jerks Front Squat (5RM) Pick a target and adjust it based on how your warm-ups feel. I don’t want you doing three sets of 5 while trying to figure out a max. Afterbash Supersets! Dumbbell Row (3×8) Dips (3×8) Strict ring dips, use assistance if necessary.
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