JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (Time) For Time, In teams of two 20 rounds for time 12/10 cal row 10 wall balls Rx: 20/14 Rx+: Bike, Tall balls 🙂 27 min cap!Wall balls should be a weight you can do relatively unbroken. Partner A must complete both the row and the wall balls before partner B takes over. When it’s your turn to work, go hard!
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (2 Rounds for reps) AMRAP 30 800m run Max unbroken kipping pull ups 800m run Max unbroken toes to bar –2 min rest– Rx: must be kipping pull ups, no butterfly 🙂 Rx+: Kipping chest to bar, no butterflyScale runs to take about 4.5 min or less. Expect to get 2-3 miles of running. If that is a big volume of running for you, consider both cutting down the meters (to 600m) and alternating between running and a low-impact cardio machine. Scale ttb and pu to something you can do at least 10 reps unbroken in the first round or two. Broken as defined by removing one hand or coming off the bar. Dangling between reps shall be acceptable today (but not advisable). Score is total accumulated reps for each of Pullups and Toes To Bar
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JP CrossFit – WOD Power Snatch (Heavy single power snatch ) Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Death by: 20 double unders 1-2-3-4-5-6…etc power snatches Rx: 60-70% heavy single or 115/85 (whichever of the two is heavier and more appropriate) 10min cap!Every min starts off with 20 dubs, then in the remaining minute you complete the power snatch. Add one snatch each minute i.e. min 2 is 20 dubs + 2 power snatches, min 3 is 20 dubs + 3 power snatches.
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 24, in teams of 3 Partner A: 200m run or 300m row Partner B: One of the following holds for :30seconds plank hold side plank hold wall squat hold hollow hold handstand hold overhead plate hold Partner C: AMRAP 10 db snatches 8 push ups 6 db russian twists 4 single db devils press Rx+: 14/12 cal bikePartner B must accumulate :30 seconds of a hold during their rest minute. Score is rounds and reps of AMRAP. Partner B picks up where partner C left off. New folks should consider resting instead of doing a hold. Scale row or run to take no longer than 1:30.
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 24, in teams of 3 Partner A: 200m run or 300m row Partner B: One of the following holds for :30 seconds plank hold side plank hold wall squat hold hollow hold handstand hold overhead plate hold Partner C: AMRAP 10 db snatches 8 push ups 6 db russian twists 4 single db devils press Rx+: 14/12 cal bikePartner B must accumulate :30 seconds of a hold during their rest minute. Score is rounds and reps of AMRAP. Partner B picks up where partner C left off. New folks should consider resting instead of doing a hold. Scale row or run to take no longer than 1:30.
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