JP CrossFit – Community Happy Halloween! (No Measure) w/ a partner- you go-i go 2 Rounds: 2 minutes on/1 min off: Station 1: 70 forward step lunges Station 2: 70 American KBS Station 3: 50 box jumps Station 4: 60 sit-ups Station 5: 50 burpeesTrick or treat!! Partners will work one at a time and try to hit the number of reps specified for the movement- if you hit the reps, take a piece of candy if not, no candy for you!
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JP CrossFit – Community Happy Halloween! (No Measure) w/ a partner- you go-i go 2 Rounds: 2 minutes on/1 min off: Station 1: 70 forward step lunges Station 2: 70 American KBS Station 3: 50 box jumps Station 4: 60 sit-ups Station 5: 50 burpeesTrick or treat!! Partners will work one at a time and try to hit the number of reps specified for the movement- if you hit the reps, take a piece of candy if not, no candy for you!
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (Time) For Time 10 rounds of 5 bar over burpees 2 squat cleans 1 strict handstand push up 15 min cap! Rx:155/105 Rx+ 185/125To finish you must aim for about 90sec/round. Twas a pleasure y’all! Squat cleans should be HEAVY singles.
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JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Power Clean (Find a heavy 2) Focus on a vertical pull and bar elevation Clean complex (find a heavy 2) 2 Hang Cleans + 2 Power Jerks Clean Pull (3×5 @100%) 100% of your heaviest clean
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) EMOM 20 min 1: 15 box jump overs min 2: 15 db snatches min 3: AMRAP rope climbs min 4: rest Rx: 50/35 Rx+ 60/40Scale reps to have a minimum of 20 sec of rest, or you might die.
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