JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Lift, Sprint Metcon (Weight) Find a Heavy Complex of 1 power snatch 1 overhead squat 1 squat snatch Metcon (Time) For time 6 power snatches* 14 wall balls 6 overhead squats* 14 wall balls 6 squat snatches * 14 wall balls 6 min cap! Rx: 135/95/75/65*, 10’/9′, 20/14 Rx+: tall ballsaim for nearly unbroken wb sets, snatches as moderate-to-heavy singles, oh squat as unbroken. SPRINT!
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 18, with a partner I-go-you-go 60 wall balls 60 situps 60 push ups 60 db overhead lunges 60 db russian twists Rx+: vups for situps, plyo push up on plates for push upsYou’re welcome to increase the difficulty of one or more movements, even if you don’t plan to make all of them harder.
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 18, with a partner I-go-you-go 60 wall balls 60 situps 60 db thrusters 60 push ups 60 db overhead lunges 60 db russian twists Rx+: vups for situps, plyo push up on plates for push upsYou’re welcome to increase the difficulty of one or more movements, even if you don’t plan to make all of them harder.
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JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Focus Focus on beautiful movement. Rest 2-4min between the heavy singles. Snatch (3×1 ) @ 90+% Clean and Jerk (3×1) 90+%
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JP CrossFit – WOD Weekly Preview (No Measure) Monday: pattern: overhead press, hinge, squat volume: low reps Load: moderate to heavy Tuesday: Movement: Overhead pull, monostructural volume: low to moderate (depending) load: Light Wednesady movement: monostructural, hinge, squat Volume: moderate to high (depending) Load: moderate Thursday movement: horizontal push, monstructural load: heavy volume: low
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