JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Lift, Sprint Part 1 (Weight) E3MOM for 7 rounds: 3 Power Cleans (touch and go) Build in weight across sets. If you have a real heavy clean, plan to start your first set at around 60%. Part 2 (AMRAP – Reps) AMRAP 1: Power cleans @ 75% of heaviest set reached during Part 1P op the top and light the fuse! You should be able to chain about 4-5 reps at least and aim for at least 10 in that minute. Power Clean (1×3 tng)
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JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Pacer Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) EMOM 30 Min 1: 12/10 Cal Row Min 2: AMRAP Dumbbell Snatch* Min 3: Rest Min 4: 45 Double Unders Min 5: AMRAP Dips Min 6: Rest Rx: 70/50/40/35 Dumbbell Rx+: Assault Bike, 60 Double Unders, Ring Muscle-upsShoot for heavier Dumbbell Snatches today. Score is Dumbbell Snatches plus Dips for each round.
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JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Pacer Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) EMOM 30 Min 1: 12/10 Cal Row Min 2: AMRAP Dumbbell Snatch* Min 3: Rest Min 4: 45 Double Unders Min 5: AMRAP Dips Min 6: Rest *Rx: 70/50/40/35 Dumbbell Rx+: Assault Bike, 60 Double Unders, Ring Muscle-upsShoot for heavier Dumbbell Snatches today. Score is Dumbbell Snatches plus Dips for each round.
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JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Pacer Metcon (6 Rounds for reps) EMOM 30 Min 1: 12/10 cal row Min 2: AMRAP db snatch Min 3: rest Min 4: 45 dubs MIn 5: AMRAP dips Min 6: rest Rx: 70/50/40/35 Rx: Assault bike, 60 dubs, Ring muscle upsShoot for heavier DB snatches today.
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JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Lift Back Squat (3×8 @ 60-75%) Metcon (No Measure) Accumulate 30-50 v-ups RX+: GHD situps
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