JP CrossFit – WOD
Metcon (5 Rounds for reps)
5 rounds of :20 sec on/:40 sec off
L-sit hold
Rx+: On parallettes (big or small)
Accumulate as many seconds in the hold that you can each round. Score is the number of seconds you hold each round.
Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
With a 12 min clock:
Cash in:
26 lengths of double db/kb farmers carry*
–1 min rest–
with time remaining
single db clean*
single db goblet step up*
push ups
*Rx: 2×35’s/2×25’s or 2x16kg/2x12kg, 50/35 for single db
RX+: 2×50’s/2×35’s or 2x 24kgs/2x16kgs