
JP CrossFit – Community CHAD (Time) 1,000 Box Step-Ups (20 in) Wear a Ruck Pack (45/35 lb) Complete 1,000 box step ups for time. Use a 20 inch box and wear a ruck pack that weighs 45 lbs for men, and 35 lbs for women. A ruck is a weighted backpack to simulate the gear...
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JP CrossFit – WOD CHAD (Time) 1,000 Box Step-Ups (20 in) Wear a Ruck Pack (45/35 lb) Complete 1,000 box step ups for time. Use a 20 inch box and wear a ruck pack that weighs 45 lbs for men, and 35 lbs for women. A ruck is a weighted backpack to simulate the gear...
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JP CrossFit – Community CHAD (Time) 1,000 Box Step-Ups (20 in) Wear a Ruck Pack (45/35 lb) Complete 1,000 box step ups for time. Use a 20 inch box and wear a ruck pack that weighs 45 lbs for men, and 35 lbs for women. A ruck is a weighted backpack to simulate the gear...
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) 5 Rounds Fight Gone Bad style Min 1: Max wall balls Min 2: Max box jumps Min 3: Max russian kettlebell swings Min 4: Max situps Min 5: Max calorie row Min 6: rest Fight Gone Bad style means that you continuously count reps through the...
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (3 Rounds for reps) Fight gone bad style 5 Rounds Min 1: Max wall balls Min 2: Max Box jumps Min 3: Max russian KB swings Min 4: Max situps Min 5: Max calorie row Min 6: rest
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) 5 Rounds Fight Gone Bad style Min 1: Max wall balls Min 2: Max box jumps Min 3: Max russian kettlebell swings Min 4: Max situps Min 5: Max calorie row Min 6: rest Fight Gone Bad style means that you continuously count reps through the...
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) 5 Rounds Fight Gone Bad style Min 1: Max wall balls Min 2: Max box jumps Min 3: Max russian kettlebell swings Min 4: Max situps Min 5: Max calorie row Min 6: rest Fight Gone Bad style means that you continuously count reps through the...
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) 5 Rounds Fight Gone Bad style Min 1: Max wall balls Min 2: Max box jumps Min 3: Max russian kettlebell swings Min 4: Max situps Min 5: Max calorie row Min 6: rest Fight Gone Bad style means that you continuously count reps through the...
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) 5 Rounds Fight Gone Bad style Min 1: Max wall balls Min 2: Max box jumps Min 3: Max russian kettlebell swings Min 4: Max situps Min 5: Max calorie row Min 6: rest Fight Gone Bad style means that you continuously count reps through the...
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) 5 Rounds Fight Gone Bad style Min 1: Max wall balls Min 2: Max box jumps Min 3: Max russian kettlebell swings Min 4: Max situps Min 5: Max calorie row Min 6: rest Fight Gone Bad style means that you continuously count reps through the...
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