Announcements Please join us for Coach Isaac’s farewell party at 6:30p, immediately after his last class on Friday January 17! We will be cancelling the 6:30p class on Thursday January 16 so that we can have a coaching staff meeting. Phoenix Cup teams have been announced! If you aren’t on a team and believe that...Read More
Announcements Please join us for Coach Isaac’s farewell party at 6:30p, immediately after his last class on Friday January 17! We will be cancelling the 6:30p class on Thursday January 16 so that we can have a coaching staff meeting. Phoenix Cup teams have been announced! If you aren’t on a team and believe that...Read More
Announcements Please join us for Coach Isaac’s farewell party at 6:30p, immediately after his last class on Friday January 17! We will be cancelling the 6:30p class on Thursday January 16 so that we can have a coaching staff meeting. Phoenix Cup teams have been announced! If you aren’t on a team and believe that...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (7 Rounds for reps) For Time 7 rounds of 2:00on/ 1:00 off 200m run 6 heavy db snatches AMRAP dips Rx: 70/60/50/40Scale dips to something you can do 4+ reps with.Read More
Announcements Please join us for Coach Isaac’s farewell party at 6:30p, immediately after his last class on Friday January 17! We will be cancelling the 6:30p class on Thursday January 16 so that we can have a coaching staff meeting. Phoenix Cup teams have been announced! If you aren’t on a team and believe that...Read More
Announcements Please join us for Coach Isaac’s farewell party at 6:30p, immediately after his last class on Friday January 17! We will be cancelling the 6:30p class on Thursday January 16 so that we can have a coaching staff meeting. Phoenix Cup teams have been announced! If you aren’t on a team and believe that...Read More
Announcements Please join us for Coach Isaac’s farewell party at 6:30p, immediately after his last class on Friday January 17! We will be cancelling the 6:30p class on Thursday January 16 so that we can have a coaching staff meeting. Phoenix Cup teams have been announced! If you aren’t on a team and believe that...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (7 Rounds for reps) 7 rounds of 2:00on/ 1:00 off 200m run 6 heavy db snatches* AMRAP dips *Rx: 70/60/50/40Scale dips to something you can do 4+ reps with.Read More