JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon Metcon (No Measure) With a partner: 6 rounds: Player 1: 1000m row Player 2: AMRAP: 20 box jump overs* 20 v-ups 20 backstep lunges 20 up downs 20 russian swings* *Rx = 24″/20″, 24kg/16kg 28 minute time cap!There are two scored workouts here, the 6000m row and the AMRAP. One...Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon Bat Wings (AMRAP – Rounds) Every :30 seconds, 40 rounds: 2 power cleans* 1 push jerk* 10 double unders *Rx = 95/65 Rx+ = 135/95Score is TOTAL ROUNDS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED, with a max possible score of 40. If you get the 3 barbell reps and 10 double unders done in...Read More
JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds) Dumbbell Chief 3:00on/ 1:00 off for 5 rounds 6 dumbbell snatches* 6 push ups 9 air squats *Rx: 50/35Only count entire rounds. Total score is total rounds across all 5 rounds.Read More
JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Weightlifting Power Snatch (3×3) 72-82% of your power snatch Hang Snatch (3×3) 72-82% of your full snatch Snatch Pull (3×5) 95% of your snatchRead More
JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds) Dumbbell Chief 3:00on/ 1:00 off for 5 rounds 6 dumbbell snatches* 6 push ups 9 air squats *Rx: 50/35Only count entire rounds. Total score is total rounds across all 5 rounds.Read More
JP CrossFit – WOD High-Hang Snatch (Find a moderate 4×2) Last week we did a “hang” power snatch double. This week we do a “high-hang” power snatch. This will limit how much weight you can lift and that’s okay. Practice on HITTING the right position on your snatches. Should feel snappy. Metcon (Time) “Look Familiar...Read More
JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Watch these! Warm-up Split Jerk (3×2) 3 sec pause in the bottom of the dip – focus on a vertical bar path and a full foot. Weightlifting Split Jerk (3×3) 72-82% of your max jerk Push Press (3×5) 67-77% of your push press. Drive the bar up and...Read More