
JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) With an 18 min clock Cash in: 5 min plank accumulation With time remaining AMRAP: 16 russian swings 14 russian twists 12 push ups 10 lateral wall ball tosses 2 stair climbs *Rx: 24/16, 20/14 RX+ Weighted plank 25lb plate, 32/24, 30/20
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (Weight) 15 min to find a moderate complex 1 power snatch 1 overhead squat 1 hang squat snatch 1 squat snatch Metcon (Time) For Time 3 rounds of: 10 squat snatches* 10 up downs –2 min rest– 3 rounds of: 10 power snatches* 10 up downs *Rx 75/55 Rx+: 95/65...
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (Time) For time: Cash in: 800m row 10 Chest to bar pull ups 20 dips 30 dumbbell power cleans* 40 situps 50 weighted squats* 40 situps 30 dumbbell power cleans* 20 dips 10 chest to bar pull ups 25 min cap! *Rx: 50/35Keeping pull ups light so we don’t risk...
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JP CrossFit – WOD Announcements Warm-up (No Measure) Remember, you have to submit your 22.1 scores at before 8:00 tonight! They don’t accept late submissions at all! Metcon Back Squat (moderate 5×4) around 70-80% 1rm. Go lighter if you’re feeling beat up from the open. Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 8: 45...
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 18 10 wall balls 20 swings 10 wall balls 20 s2oh 10 wall balls 20 situps –on the 5, 10, 15 min: 4 reverse burpees–
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 18 10 wall balls 20 swings 10 wall balls 20 s2oh 10 wall balls 20 situps –on the 5, 10, 15 min: 4 reverse burpees–
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JP CrossFit – WOD Announcements Warm-up (No Measure) Fridays during the Open! Be as early as you can! As always, we need to run two heats of the workout per class, so everyone needs to be ready to rock right at the beginning of class. Our goal will be for the first heat to start...
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JP CrossFit – WOD Announcements Warm-up (No Measure) Tune in tonight at 7:30 for our Announcement of 22.1 and then stick around to see Antmaris and the Juasp throw down! We’ll be livestreaming it on Facebook and Instagram, but you’re welcome to come watch and cheer in person. See you tonight! Register for the Open...
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JP CrossFit – WOD Sumo Deadlift (moderate 5×3) Metcon (Time) Sara’s Birthday Finisher 10 rounds for time of 2 burpees 4 dumbbell overhead squats* 6 dumbbell swings* 8 min cap! *Rx: 50/35
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (Weight) Every 90 seconds, 6 rounds: 2 tempo front squats @ 55×05 second descent 5 second pause 0 second ascent 0 second transition Metcon (Time) 3 rounds For Time : 8 squat cleans* 12 pull ups 8 min cap!!! *Rx: 95/65 **Rx+ 135/95Pop the top and light the fuse on...
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