
JP CrossFit – WOD


Registration for How to get a Kipping Pullup is now officially open on Wodify! (limit 12 athletes)

When? Sat, July 9th

Time? 12:30-1:30pm

What? Class 1: How to get a Kipping Pullup!

Prerequisites: Full range of motion pullup and 3 second hold w/ chin over bar, each with band assistance (2″ band); and 10 second hang on a gymnastic bar without assistance


Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


1 round

200m run

2 rounds

200m run

3 rounds

200m run

4 rounds etc..

1 round:

9 power snatches*

6 overhead squats*

*Rx = 75/55

Rx+ = 115/85

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