
June 25, 2024
JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (Time) 400m run 4 rounds of 5 double db squats 5 strict pull ups 400m run 3 rounds of 5 double db squats 5 strict pull ups 400m run 2 rounds of 5 double db squats 5 strict pull ups 400m run 1 rounds of 5 double db squats 5...
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (Time) 400m run 4 rounds of 5 double db squats 5 strict pull ups 400m run 3 rounds of 5 double db squats 5 strict pull ups 400m run 2 rounds of 5 double db squats 5 strict pull ups 400m run 1 rounds of 5 double db squats 5...
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