JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting This is a deload week! Please treat it like one! Weightlifting Power Snatch (4×2) 75-80% of your power snatch Power Clean (4×2) Part 1 of a complex: Power Clean + Power Jerk, 75-80% of your max power clean/jerk, whichever is lower. Push Jerk (4×2) Part 2 of a complex: Power...Read More
JP CrossFit – Community Juneteenth II (Time) Solo: For time: Buy-in: 65 second moment of silence 6 rounds: 400m run 19 dumbbell squats 18 burpees 65 lateral hops *Rx = 50/35 Partner Version: For time: Buy-in: 65 second moment of silence 6 rounds: 400m run together A: 10 dumbbell squats B: 9 dumbbell squats A:...Read More
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