JP CrossFit – WOD Gym WOD Overhead Squat (Find a moderate 3) Metcon (Time) For time: 9-15-21 Overhead squats* 21-15-9 Box jumps Rx: 95/65, 24″/21″ Rx+: 135/95 7min cap At Home/Zoom Warm-up (No Measure) Warm-up General Mobility: With PVC Pass throughs, Around the world Staff External rotation Archer Leg swings Good mornings Sotts press Overhead squats General Warm up 20 Side Lunges 20 Stagger stanced deadlifts 20 Back step lunges 8 Snatch High Pulls 10 Lat Pullovers 8 Snatches 8 Situps Metcon (No Measure) Seated Press! 3×6 per side Try to scale this appropriately. If you have light weights for you, up the reps per set. The last few reps of a set should be challenging. If you have heavy weights, do the presses standing, use two hands on a single dumbbell, or lower the reps if you need to. Metcon (4 Rounds for reps) AMRAP 3: 16 lat pull...
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