JP CrossFit – WOD Announcements Registration deadline for the 2023 Phoenix Cup is tomorrow! https://forms.gle/yz4D7haWHmqGFuch7 Metcon Full Cind (Time) For time: 15 rounds: 5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 air squats Rx+ = 20 rounds 24 minute time cap!Feel free to partner up on this one if you’re not ready for this kind of volume.
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JP CrossFit – WOD Announcements Registration deadline for the 2023 Phoenix Cup is this Friday! Also, happy signing into law the Respect for Marriage Act!!! https://forms.gle/yz4D7haWHmqGFuch7 Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) With a partner: AMRAP 18: 8 Russian kettlebell swings* 8 kettlebell lunges* 8 v-ups 1 rope climb* *Rx = 24kg/16kg Rx+ = leglessPartners alternate full rounds.
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JP CrossFit – WOD Announcements Registration deadline for the 2023 Phoenix Cup is this Friday! https://forms.gle/yz4D7haWHmqGFuch7 Metcon Metcon (Time) For time: 150 double unders 30 hang power snatches* 21 toes to bar 100 double unders 20 hang power snatches 15 toes to bar 50 double unders 10 hang power snatches 9toes to bar *Rx = 75/55 Rx+ = 95/6516minute cap!
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JP CrossFit – WOD Announcements Registration deadline for the 2023 Phoenix Cup is this Friday! https://forms.gle/yz4D7haWHmqGFuch7 Weightlifting Metcon (No Measure) Front Squat 6 reps @ 60-65% or moderate 5 reps @ 65-73% or moderate 3 reps @ 75-83% or heavy 2 reps @ 83-87% or heavy AMRAP reps @ 87-93% Front Squat Metcon Metcon (Time) Accumulate 4:00 handstand hold Every time you break: 8 jump squats7 minute time cap!
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JP CrossFit – Community Allie & Marcs Last Community 🙁 (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) With a a partner and a 20 minclock Cash in: 1000m row with time remaining AMRAP 20 Partner wall balls 20 Partner medball Situps 20partner high five push ups 20 side-by-side russian twistsSplit the row however which way, i-go-you-go. For the partner wall ball, you can decide if you would like to rest while your partnersquats with the wall ball, or squat with your partner when you don’t have the wall ball for more work. Same with push ups, you can take turn doing the push ups and clap at the top, or simultaneously do push ups and clap at the top. Either way there’s a cyuuuuuute clap. And Same with situps.Have so much fun! () () ()
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