JP CrossFit – WOD The Capacity Builder Part 1: Pull Ups (5 Rounds for reps) 3:00 on/ 3:00 off for 5 rounds 18/15 cal row 15 wall balls AMRAP chest to bar pull ups Rx: 20/14, 10’/9′ Rx+: 11’/ 9′, Bar muscle upThis is about building your capacity at a movement you don’t feel particularly confident or strong in–especially in a metcon. Singles, doubles and triples would be appropriate here. If you can do more than 5 in a row consistently, pick a harder movement. The workout is long, which should give you the opportunity to recover and really push your volume. Try to stay within 2 reps of your first round! Each movement should take approx :45-1:00 to complete
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JP CrossFit – Community Announcements Tis the season athletes! Its time for the 12 days of Christmas workout! this workout is completed just like the song “12 Days of Christmas”. So, you will start with 1 wall walk- then you will complete2 thrusters and 1 wall walk- then 3 squats, 2 thrusters and 1 wall walk- all the way up to the 12 squat cleans! The workout will end with your 12th and final wall walk. Pop the top, light the fuse, have fun and happy holidays folks!! Speaking of season, last chance to sign up for the JPCF Secret Squirrel gift exchange today! $30 limit and gifts exchanged on Jan 6th ugly sweater party! https://forms.gle/cWQMsWE34uZZCfW47 12 Days of CrossFit (Time) 1 wall walk 2 DB thrusters 3 goblet squats 4 DB deadlifts 5 burpees over the DB 6 plank DB pull throughs 7 DB snatch 8 push-ups 9 DB...
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JP CrossFit – Community Announcements Tis the season athletes! Its time for the 12 days of Christmas workout! this workout is completed just like the song “12 Days of Christmas”. So, you will start with 1 wall walk- then you will complete2 thrusters and 1 wall walk- then 3 squats, 2 thrusters and 1 wall walk- all the way up to the 12 squat cleans! The workout will end with your 12th and final wall walk. Pop the top, light the fuse, have fun and happy holidays folks!! Speaking of season, last chance to sign up for the JPCF Secret Squirrel gift exchange this Sunday! $30 limit and gifts exchanged on Jan 6th ugly sweater party! https://forms.gle/cWQMsWE34uZZCfW47 12 Days of CrossFit (Time) 1 wall walk 2 DB thrusters 3 goblet squats 4 DB deadlifts 5 burpees over the DB 6 plank DB pull throughs 7 DB snatch 8 push-ups 9...
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JP CrossFit – WOD Announcements Last chance to hop in for the 2023 Phoenix Cup! The registration form is getting closed at midnight tonight! https://forms.gle/yz4D7haWHmqGFuch7 Metcon 2k Row (Time) Max Effort 2k Row Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) Death By: Burpee shuttle runs Rx = 20′
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JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Snatch (3×1 @85-90%) Clean (4×3 @80-85%) Front Squat (HS @RPE8, then 3×3@-15%) Find a heavy single at RPE 8, which means you have roughly two reps left in the tank. Go by feel, or aim for 92% of your estimated max. Then do 3×3 at 15% less than today’s heavy single.
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