JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (No Measure) 5×5 Bench press –5 hard ring rows after each working set– Bench Press Metcon (No Measure) With an 8 min clock your choice of: 1) 30 single unders for time 2) 30 double unders for time 3) 30 cross over single unders for timeYou get as many attempts as you want to do one, two, or all of the challenges. You will partner up and help time each other. Note this is not necessarily an unbroken jump rope challenge, simply however fast you can complete one of the challenges. Take down the milliseconds. 30 single unders for time (Time) 30 double unders for time 30 double unders for time (Time) 30 crossover single unders for time 30 cross over single unders for time (Time) 30 single unders for time
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