Announcements August fitness challenge: MOBILITY! Accumulate 280 minutes of Mobility work. JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 25 Minute AMRAP: 400m Run 20 Kettlebell Swings* 20 Med Ball Weighted Situps* 20 Box Jumps* *Rx: 16kg/12kg kettlebell, 20#/14# med ball, 24″/20″ box Rx+: 24kg/16kg kettlebell, GHD situps
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Announcements August fitness challenge: MOBILITY! Accumulate 280 minutes of Mobility work. JP CrossFit – WOD Thruster (Moderate 1×3) Fran (Time) 21-15-9 Thrusters, 95# / 65# Pull-upsScale to finish in less than 6 minutes 7 minute time cap
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Announcements August fitness challenge: MOBILITY! Accumulate 280 minutes of Mobility work. JP CrossFit – WOD Bench Press (Moderate 5×3) Speedy Jell-O (Time) For time: 18/15 Assault Bike Cals or 15/12 Echo Bike Cals 15 x 25′ shuttle runs
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Announcements August fitness challenge: MOBILITY! Accumulate 280 minutes of Mobility work. JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 28 Partner A: 400m run Partner B: AMRAP 30 russian KB swings 30 russian twists 30 goblet squats squats 30 push ups 30 burpees Partner C: Rest
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Announcements August fitness challenge: MOBILITY! Accumulate 280 minutes of Mobility work. JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (AMRAP – Reps) AMRAP 18 Partner A: AMRAP cal row Partner B: 1 round of : 7 odd object over the shoulder clean 1 box get over with object* 7 odd object squats 1 box get over with object *Rx: 40″boxChoose a heavy sandbag, something that requires you to use your knees before you transition to over the shoulder toss. You must essentially do an 8th clean to get object onto shoulder and onto box. You may push the object off the box or climb over the box with the object on it and roll it onto your shoulder for squats. A round should take about 1:15-1:30. Switch roles once Partner B completes a round.
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