JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Threshold Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) 5 rounds of 3:00on/1:00off Cardio option* In the time remaining: Max Unbroken Pushups *Cardio options: 500/400m row 400m run 1.0/0.9 k bike (echo bike) 0.7/0.6 mile (assault bike) 500/400m skierg
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JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Threshold Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) 5 rounds of 3:00on/1:00off Cardio option* In the time remaining: Max Unbroken Pushups *Cardio options: 500/400m row 400m run 1.0/0.9 k bike (echo bike) 0.7/0.6 mile (assault bike) 400/350m skierg
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JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Lift Metcon (No Measure) Back Squat 1×10 @ an empty barbell 1×10 @ 35% or light (all 10 feel good) 1×10 @ 45% light/moderate (all but the last rep feel good) 1×20 @ 55% moderate (it sucks starting at around rep 10) You can breathe and pause between reps but you cannot rack until your are done! Back Squat Stimulus Sprint Crash and Burn IV (Time) 15 rounds: 4 hollow body rocks 4 v-ups 8 minute time cap!Rx is doing the new (2023) V-Up standard, which means touching hands and feet to the ground at the start of each rep.
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (No Measure) Back Squat 1×10 @ an empty barbell 1×10 @ 35% or light (all 10 feel good) 1×10 @ 45% light/moderate (all but the last rep feel good) 1×20 @ 55% moderate (it sucks starting at around rep 10) You can breathe and pause between reps but you cannot rack until your are done! Back Squat
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JP CrossFit – WOD Stimulus Threshold Metcon (Time) 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Dumbbell Snatches* Toes to Bar Between each round: 2 Wall Walks^ *Rx: 60/40/35/25 ^Rx+: 10′ Handstand Walk 15 min cap!Scale Wall Walks to be something that can be completed quickly without resting.
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