JP CrossFit – WOD Weekly Summary (No Measure) Monday: monostructural, overhead pull, overhead push , low volume, low load Tuesday squat , heavy, moderate volume Wednesday overhead press, monostructural, high volume, low load Thursday Hinge, Heavy, Low volume Friday Squat, Overhead press, Overhead pull, light weight, moderate volume
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 20 With a partner 400m run (together) 40 Russian Kettlebell Swings (I-go-you-go) 30 Burpees (I-go-you-go) 200ft Double Heavy Plate Pinch Carry* (I-go-you-go) No prescribed RKS weight. Pick something that forces you to break at least once. If you can do 20 unbroken, it’s too light. *One plate (same weight) per hand. You must pinch the top of the plate to carry. You cannot put your hand into the hole in the middle of the plates. 200ft is 4x down and back lengths of the gym from the rig to the mural wall.
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JP CrossFit – Olympic Weightlifting Focus Today we wil introduce doing both a clean and a snatch in the same session. This should help you see the similarities in positions. Both movements will have a 3 position pause component. Keep the weight relatively light and work on form. EMOM is where you will go heavier. Metcon (No Measure) 3 position pause snatchPause for 1-2 seconds below the knee, low hang and, high hang positions. Remember the default is always squat snatch in Weightlifting. This is a warm up drill to make sure you’re hitting the right positions. EMOM 7 (Weight) 1 SnatchBuild in weight across sets Metcon (No Measure) 3 position pause cleanPause for 1-2 seconds below the knee, low hang, and high hang positions. Remember the default is always squat clean in Weightlifting. This is a warm up drill to make sure you’re hitting the right positions. EMOM 7...
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) 20 AMRAP 400m run 20 Russian Swings 15 Burpees 100ft Double Heavy Plate Pinch Carry* No prescribed RKS weight. Pick something that forces you to break at least once. If you can do all 20 unbroken, it’s too light. *One plate (same weight) per hand. You must pinch the top of the plate to carry. You cannot put your hand into the hole in the middle of the plates.
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 20 400m run 20 Russian Kettlebell Swings 15 Burpees 100ft Double Heavy Plate Pinch Carry* No prescribed RKS weight. Pick something that forces you to break at least once. If you can do all 20 unbroken, it’s too light. *One plate (same weight) per hand. You must pinch the top of the plate to carry. You cannot put your hand into the hole in the middle of the plates.
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