JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 24 In teams of 2, one partner working at a time. 90 calorie row 70 wall balls 50 kettlebell swings 30 burpee box jumps
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JP CrossFit – Community Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) AMRAP 28 In teams of 2, one partner working at a time. 90 calorie row 70 wall balls 50 kettlebell swings 30 burpee box jumps
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JP CrossFit – WOD The Chief (AMRAP – Rounds) Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 3 Power Cleans, 135#/95# 6 Push-ups 9 Squats Rest 1-minute. Repeat for a total of 5 cyclesThis is an HQ workout, so there is only two Rx weights. The power cleans should be a weight that you can do unbroken throughout the workout. Also note the scoring is strange for this WOD, as it only counts full rounds.
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JP CrossFit – WOD Weightlifting Split Jerk (Find a heavy 1×1 from the rack.) Metcon Metcon (Time) For Time: 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 wall walks 3-6-9-12-9-6-3 box jumps* 8 min cap! *Rx: 30″/24″/20″If you have solid wall walks, go for a tall box jump!
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JP CrossFit – WOD Metcon (5 Rounds for reps) EMOM for 5 rounds Min 1: 14/12 cal row Min 2: 16 dumbbell snatches* Min 3: AMRAP strict pull-ups Min 4: rest *Rx: 60/50/40/35Scale the row to take :45 when fresh Snatches should be challenging but unbroken through the first few rounds. Aim for a strict pull up scale that you can get at least 5 of each round.
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