JP CrossFit – WOD
Metcon (4 Rounds for reps)
With a 2:30 clock
14 box jump overs
9 chest to bar pull ups
AMRAP db overhead squats*
–1:30 rest–
With a 2:30 clock
14 box jump overs
9 chest to bar pull ups
AMRAP db squat cleans*
–1:30 rest–
With a 2:30 clock
14 box jump overs
9 chest to bar pull ups
AMRAP db thruster*
–1:30 rest–
With a 2:30 clock
14 box jump overs
9 chest to bar pull ups
AMRAP db cluster*
*Rx: 50/35
Rx+ 60/40
Scale box jump overs to take around a minute or less. Chest to bar should be scaled to about 45sec-1min max. You should have at minimum :30sec to db, maybe a minute.