WOD – Fri, Jun 16

JP CrossFit – WOD


A reminder that we’ve postponed Saturday Community Classes for the summer, but we will post a workout in the community section that you can do on the English School Track!

Metcon (No Measure)

E2MOM 32

4 Rounds of:

Min 1-2:

250M Row

AMRAP DB Snatches*

Min 3-4: rest

Min 5-6:

250M Row

AMRAP Double Unders

Min 7-8: Rest

*Rx: 50/35

Rx+: 60/40, 300M Row
Score is total db snatches and total double unders.

DB Snatches (4 Rounds for reps)

Double Unders (4 Rounds for reps)

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