WOD – Fri, Feb 9


Reminder: in order to get points for signing up for the Tactic Nutrition talk, you must attend the talk being hosted this coming Friday, Feb 9th @ 6:30pm. You’re welcome to attend the talk even if you’re not participating in the p-cup via this zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88657863072?pwd=bmZWY0xoQmo3TjYwU3M0ZUYrcnM5QT09

This educational talk is geared towards teaching you important nutrition concepts you should consider when living the kind of active lifestyle y’all are pursuing as CrossFitters.

JP CrossFit – WOD


Lift, threshold

Thruster (Heavy 1×1 or 1×2 (from the rack))

Want points? Come and Get’em (Time)



Bar Over Burpees

11 min cap

*Rx: 95/75/65/55
For context, this has 54 reps, which is 9 more reps then Fran. Plan on 2 sets or less. Prioritize speed and big sets here.