JP CrossFit – Community
“Live Your Truth”-Rev. Dr. Sara (3 Rounds for reps)
Min 1. Movement A
Min 2: Movement B
Min 3: Rest
Min 4: Movement C
Min 5: Movement D
Min 6: Rest
Min 7: Movement E
Min 8: Movement F
Min 9: Rest
A Options
1 points- up downs
2 points- burpees
3 points- burpee to sit
B options
1 points- air squats
2 points- weighted squats
3 points- wall balls
C options
1 points- sit ups
2 points- knees to chest
3 points- toes to bar
D options
1 points- lunges
2 points- weighted lunge
3 points- pistols
E Options
1 points- russian swings
2 points- american swings
3 points- snatches
F options
1 points- box push ups
2 points- floor push ups
3 points- handstand push ups
Use any combination of movements to get the most points. If you mix and match, make sure you know how much to multiply per rep for points. This is a game. Have fun!