JP CrossFit – WOD
Grinder: this is going to be HARD and HEAVY. Don’t go out too hot, but embrace the suck. It is a hero WOD after all. Just keep moving.
Marsha P. Johnson (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
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92 dubs
7 burpees
in remaining time:
7 deadlifts
24 box jumps
400 m run
Rx: 205/155, 24″/20″
Rx+ : 275/205
Today is Transgender Day of Remembrance so we are doing a hero workout. This memorial workout from OUTAthletics dedicated to Marsha P. Johnson. As an African-American trans woman, Marsha P. Johnson “has been consistently been overlooked both as a participant in the Stonewall uprising and more generally, LGBTQ activism. As the broader gay and lesbian movement shifted toward leadership from white cisgender men and women, trans people of color were swept to the outskirts of the movement.”