04/14/2022 WOD

JP CrossFit – WOD


Metcon (No Measure)

With a partner:

6 rounds:

Player 1: 1000m row

Player 2: AMRAP:

20 box jump overs*

20 v-ups

20 backstep lunges

20 up downs

20 russian swings*

*Rx = 24″/20″, 24kg/16kg

28 minute time cap!
There are two scored workouts here, the 6000m row and the AMRAP. One partner rows 1000m while the other works through the AMRAP. The rower finishes their row and continues the AMRAP where their partner left off, who now rows.

The workout ends when both partners have rowed 3 times each, totalling 6000m.

Important scaling note: if your average 500m pace is 2:30 or slower, scale to 800m or less. Each row should take 4:30 at the absolute most or you won’t finish under the cap.

Metcon (Time)

6k row

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)