
JP CrossFit – WOD


-Sign up for the Phoenix cup! Info found in email, slack, and facebook! Deadline is Sun, Jan 9th, 8:00pm!

– Sign up for Handstand Workshop on Sat, Jan 29th!!

Metcon (No Measure)

Back squat

Set 1:

10 reps @ moderate or 65%

Set 2:

8 reps @ moderate or 75%

Set 3:

6 reps @ heavy or 80%

Set 4:

AMRAP @ heavy or 85%

Back Squat

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


4 lengths DB farmer carry-right

8 DB hang power cleans-right*

8 DB front squats-right*

8 up downs

4 lengths DB farmer Carry- left*

8 DB hang power cleans- left*

8 DB front squats- left

8 up downs

*Rx: 50/35

**Rx+: 70/50

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