WOD – Wed, Feb 15

JP CrossFit – WOD

Front rack split squat

Moderate 3×3 per leg. Complete 3 on the right, then 3 on the left. Keep weight the same across sets. This should be light, because it will blow your glutes up!

Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


10 db snatches*

1 box get over*

10 wall balls*

1 box get over*

Rx: 50/35, 24″ BGO, 20/14, 10’/9′

Rx+ 60/40, 30″BGO, 11’/10′
Scale wb and db snatches to be nearly unbroken most of the time. For the box get over, it is ideal to vault over, although hands, knees and feet can be used.
